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                      12.1 Outbound Requests

     When you want to Request one or more files from a remote system,
     you may do so using several different methods:

         1.  By using FM and entering a message with File or Update
             Request status. The files you want to request from the
             remote system are listed on the subject (Re:) line of the
             message and you set FilReq or UpdReq to indicate that FD
             should give the message special treatment.

         2.  By using FD's temporary mail services, which are accessed
             with <Alt-M> from FD's main menu. Whether or not the
             Request is treated as an Update Request or File Request
             is determined by how you specify the filename(s) in the
             File(s): field. If you include a path, FD will treat it
             as an Update Request, otherwise, it will be treated as a
             File Request.

             Requests created this way will not remain if FD is
             brought down (for one reason or another) as they are
             intended for temporary, quick and dirty, purposes only.

         3.  Use a robot utility, such as XRobot, to create the File
             or Update Request message(s).

     Note that an Update Request with no matching target, that is, you
     have attempted to Update Request a file that does not exist on
     your system, is automatically converted to a File Request.

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